Hermit Naucratius of Neocaesarea/Niksar (d. AD 357) Andrew Jackson2021-03-27T09:01:56-07:00 Brother of Basil the Great Hermit Naucratius of Neocaesarea/Niksar (d. AD 357)Andrew Jackson2021-03-27T09:01:56-07:00
Basil the Great’s City for the Poor of Caesarea/Kayseri (AD 369) Andrew Jackson2021-03-27T08:22:18-07:00 Early Church Bishop Basil the Great’s City for the Poor of Caesarea/Kayseri (AD 369)Andrew Jackson2021-03-27T08:22:18-07:00
Bishop Basil the Great of Caesarea/Kayseri (AD 330-379) Andrew Jackson2021-03-27T09:02:34-07:00 Early Church Bishop Bishop Basil the Great of Caesarea/Kayseri (AD 330-379)Andrew Jackson2021-03-27T09:02:34-07:00