Preaching the Powerless Cross (1 Corinthians 2:2)
Andrew Jackson2021-03-24T11:24:01-07:00Without the Holy Spirit the preaching of the cross is powerless.
God is Shaking Nations and the Church for His Own Eternal Redemptive Purposes
Andrew Jackson2021-03-24T14:57:26-07:00What is God is doing around the world?
We Need Spiritual Fathers and Mothers in the Church!
Andrew Jackson2021-03-24T15:01:02-07:00Christian Fathers and Mothers.
Why Does the Church Exist?
Andrew Jackson2021-03-24T15:12:42-07:00Rediscovering the biblical church.
Are Spiritual Gifts for Today?
atmteam2021-03-30T22:57:05-07:00Dr. Craig Keener explains that Spiritual gifts are for today.
The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12-14)
atmteam2021-03-30T22:57:54-07:00Purpose of Spiritual gifts.