Religions are Worldviews
Dr. Andrew Jackson
The 10 Worldview Questions
A worldview is a comprehensive understanding of total reality, or a holistic belief system.
1 – What is origin, cause and nature of “ultimate reality?” Explain your view of ultimate reality from which everything has its origins. Ultimate reality is your big picture umbrella understanding from which your worldview emerges and can be explained. Is there an ultimate reality greater than human beings? Or, are individual human beings the ultimate reality unto themselves? Is there a God or are there gods? Is your ultimate reality personal or impersonal? What is the origin and nature of your ultimate reality? How did your ultimate reality originally come into being or existence? Is matter the ultimate reality?
2 – What is the origin, cause and nature of the universal “problem” experienced by human beings and the world? Explain your view of the origin, cause, and nature of human injustice, evil, wrong doing, suffering, sickness, death, and the disasters of physical nature. Explain the source of evil and suffering. What and how has things gone so wrong? Why is there war and hatred?
3 – What is the “solution” to the universal “problem” experienced by human beings and the world? Explain your view of how humans can experience ultimate salvation, liberation or freedom from the personal and societal wrongs of humans, and the disasters of physical nature. What are your solutions for renewing the human “problem?”
4 – What is the origin, cause and nature of the physical universe? Explain your view of the origin of the universe, the physical or observed world. Explain your view of the nature of the physical world. Where did the physical universe come from? Did God, gods, or a life force/energy create or cause the world to exist? Is the physical universe eternal? Did the physical world have a beginning and does it have an end? Do physical things have souls or spirits? Is the physical world good or bad? How did the physical world obtain ordered laws of existence?
5 – What is the origin, cause and nature of human beings? Explain your view of the origin and nature of human beings. Who are we, and where did we come from? How and why do humans differ from animals and other living things? Are humans good or evil? Explain your view of the human soul, heart, spirit and mind. Explain the origin and nature of human consciousness and awareness of values, what is right and wrong. Is there such a thing as universal “human rights?” If yes, then why? If no, then why?
6 – Is there an invisible spiritual world? Explain your view of the spirit, unseen, invisible world or realm. Are there angels, demons, Satan, principles or laws? Can humans interact or experience the spirit world? Can, or does, the spirit world affect the lives of humans?
7 – What is the nature and purpose of human history? Explain your view of human history. Is it linear or cyclical? Does human history have a beginning and an end? Is there purpose and meaning to human history? Or, is human history simply hopeless and meaningless? How does your ultimate reality affect human history?
8 – Is there universal “Truth,” or only individual subjective “truths?” Explain your view of truth? Is there universal objective truth relevant to all humans? Or is truth simply a subjective understanding created by each individual?
9 – What is the source of ethics and morality that inform us to what is right and wrong? Explain your view of right and wrong? Are ethics relative, or are they universal requirements of behavior that all humans should follow? What is the source of your ethics and morality? If there are no such thing as universal right and wrong, does that mean that individuals can do what they see as right in their own eyes? For example, if a person believes murder is right to them, then is it okay? What role does parents have in teaching children what is right and wrong? On what ethical or moral basis should laws be established for a nation to follow?
10 – Is there life after death? Human death is a universal fact. Explain your view of what humans experience after they die, and how they live on earth will affect their existence in the afterlife if there is one.